Anüs ve rektum çevresindeki damarların şişmesi ve iltihaplanması sonucu rahatsızlığa neden olur. Hemoroid nedir? İç ve dış olmak üzere iki kategoriye ayrılır. İç olanlar rektumun içinde bulunur ve genellikle ağrısızdır, ancak kanamaya neden olabilir. Dış ise anüs çevresinde bulunur ve genellikle ağrılıdır, çünkü bu bölgedeki deri hassastır ve kolayca tahriş olabilir.
What Causes Hemorrhoids?
It causes discomfort as a result of swelling and inflammation of the veins around the anus and rectum. There are main reasons that lead to this situation.
Long-term constipation and straining to go to the toilet cause the veins in the rectal area to be exposed to excessive pressure. This causes the veins to become swollen and inflamed. Constant diarrhea can cause irritation of the veins around the rectum and anus. This irritation causes the veins to swell and cause discomfort.
During pregnancy, the growing uterus puts pressure on the veins in the rectal area. Also, hormonal changes can cause the veins to dilate. This increases the risk of expectant mothers experiencing such disorders.
As we age, the elasticity of the tissues around the rectum and anus decreases. This causes the veins to become more prone to swelling. This disorder is more common in middle-aged and older individuals. Excess weight causes body weight to put extra pressure on the rectal area. This condition contributes to swelling and inflammation of the veins.
Sitting for long periods of time puts pressure on the veins in the rectal area. This increases the risk of bloating and discomfort. Individuals with such disorders in the family are more likely to experience this problem. Genetic factors may cause the vascular structure to be more sensitive.
Not consuming fiber-rich foods prevents the digestive system from functioning properly and causes constipation. Fibrous foods keep the stool soft and prevent excessive strain on the veins in the rectal area.
HemorrhoidsIt is formed by the combination of various factors. Factors such as constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, aging, obesity, prolonged sitting and inadequate fiber consumption contribute.
What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?
Swelling and inflammation of the veins around the anus and rectum are seen with various symptoms. The symptoms of this condition may vary depending on the severity and type of the disorder.
- One of the most common symptoms is rectal bleeding. Bright red blood may appear on the toilet paper or in the stool during or after defecation. This bleeding is usually painless, but can be uncomfortable.
- Pain and discomfort around the anus are frequently experienced. This pain may increase especially during and after defecation. Swelling around the anus can make sitting and moving difficult.
- Itching and irritation around the anus are among the common symptoms. This condition is caused by inflammation of the sensitive skin around the anus.
- Swelling and lumps may be noticed around the anus. Swellings on the outside are usually more visible and can be felt by hand. The swellings on the inside are inside the rectum and may not be noticed.
- A mucous discharge may be observed around the anus during or after defecation. This discharge may be a symptom of rectal inflammation and may increase irritation.
- You may experience difficulty during defecation and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. This condition is caused by swelling around the rectum making it difficult to pass stool.
- Chronic rectal bleeding can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Anemia manifests itself with symptoms such as fatigue, weakness and pale skin.
Swelling and inflammation of the veins around the anus and rectum are seen with various symptoms. Common symptoms include rectal bleeding, pain, itching, irritation, swelling, lumps, mucous discharge, difficulty defecating, and anemia.
Hemoroid Nedir? Tedavisi Nasıl Olur?
Anüs ve rektum çevresindeki damarların şişmesi ve iltihaplanması tedavi edilebilir. Çeşitli yöntemler kullanılarak hemorrhoids semptomları hafifletilebilir. Tedavisi, belirtilerin şiddetine ve hastalığın ilerleme seviyesine bağlı olarak değişir.
Diet and lifestyle changes play an important role in relieving symptoms. Consuming fiber-rich foods prevents constipation by softening the stool and reduces the pressure on the veins around the anus.
Topical treatments such as creams, ointments, and suppositories help relieve pain, itching, and inflammation around the anus. These products contain corticosteroids or pain relievers. It can be obtained from pharmacies without a prescription.
Hot water sitz baths reduce swelling and pain around the anus. Sitting in hot water for 10-15 minutes several times a day provides relief. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications are effective in reducing pain and inflammation. Laxatives can also be used to solve the problem of constipation.
In more serious cases, doctors may recommend minimally invasive procedures. Methods such as rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and infrared coagulation are used to shrink swollen veins. In severe and persistent cases, surgical intervention may be required.
Hemoroid nedir? tedavi edilebilir bir durumdur. Tedavi seçenekleri hakkında doktorunuza danışarak, en uygun yöntemi belirleyin. Böylece bu durumu tedavi ederek günlük yaşamınıza dönebilirsiniz.