What is Fatty Liver?

It is a condition that occurs as a result of abnormal accumulation of fat in liver cells. Fatty liver, It is associated with factors such as obesity, alcohol consumption, diabetes and high cholesterol. It may not show any obvious symptoms in the early stages. However, in later stages, it can lead to liver inflammation and damage. If left untreated, it can develop into serious liver diseases such as cirrhosis. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to prevent this condition.

What are the symptoms of fatty liver?

What is Fatty Liver?People who experience this condition may feel constantly tired and weak. There may be mild or moderate pain or discomfort in the upper right abdomen, where the liver is located. Symptoms may include loss of appetite and weight loss.

Jaundice occurs when the liver is unable to perform its functions properly. A feeling of bloating may occur in the abdomen due to the enlargement of the liver. High liver enzymes in routine blood tests may be an indicator.

Easily bruising the skin may be due to liver dysfunction. These symptoms become more apparent in advanced stages. Serious conditions such as liver cirrhosis may develop as the disease progresses. Fatty liver People at risk should visit their doctor regularly. They are also advised to make the necessary lifestyle changes.

What Causes Fatty Liver?

Being overweight is one of the most common causes of fat accumulation in the liver. Obesity is associated with conditions such as insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, which can increase the liver’s ability to store fat. Type 2 diabetes can increase the risk of fat accumulation in the liver due to insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance can cause the liver to produce more fat. Excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt the fat metabolism of liver cells, leading to fat accumulation. Alcohol also damages liver cells. It can cause inflammation and more serious liver disease.

Diets high in fat and sugar may contribute. Foods rich in fructose in particular can increase the liver’s ability to store fat. Very rapid weight loss can cause the liver to store more fat than normal. This can be seen with some diets and rapid weight loss after surgery.

In the family Individuals with a history of this condition are at higher risk of developing it. Genetic predisposition may predispose them to it. High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides encourage the liver to store fat. Long-term use of certain medications can lead to fat accumulation in the liver. Such medications include some corticosteroids and chemotherapy drugs.

Hormonal disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also be the cause. Each of these factors can affect the functioning of the liver, causing fat accumulation. Over time, this can lead to liver damage and more serious liver diseases. Early diagnosis and lifestyle changes can fatty liver plays an important role in keeping the situation under control.

How is Fatty Liver Treated?

What is Fatty Liver?Weight loss, one of the most effective treatments is to lose weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Reducing body weight by %5-10 can also significantly reduce the amount of fat in the liver.

Saturated fat, trans fat, and refined carbohydrates should be avoided. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins should be emphasized. In addition, diets that prefer healthy fats and fiber-rich foods, such as the Mediterranean diet, support liver health.

At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week is required. Fatty liver is effective in reducing the risk. Alcohol is one of the main causes of liver damage. Reducing or completely stopping alcohol consumption is critical. There is no specific drug treatment.

Doctors prescribe medications to treat underlying conditions such as high cholesterol and high blood sugar. These medications can improve liver health and reduce fat accumulation. Vitamin E may help reduce fat. However, it should not be taken without a doctor's advice, as long-term use can have risks.

Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the amount of fat in the liver. Fish oil supplements or consumption of fish rich in omega-3 may be recommended. It is important for people experiencing this condition to see a doctor at regular intervals. Liver function tests can be performed during these check-ups. Progression of the disease can be monitored.

Stress can negatively impact liver health. Yoga, meditation or other stress management techniques can have a positive impact on overall health. Very advanced fatty liver People with this condition may require surgery, such as a liver transplant. However, this condition is very rare and can usually be controlled with lifestyle changes.