To prevent stomach acid from leaking into the esophagus Reflux treatment without surgery It includes the methods used during. Medication, lifestyle changes and endoscopic interventions are the most common options. Medications relieve symptoms by reducing stomach acid. Dietary changes are also important. Endoscopic methods are minimally invasive and allow the stomach valve to be tightened. These methods usually offer a faster recovery time.
In what cases is non-surgical reflux treatment performed?
It is applied when reflux symptoms are mild and do not affect quality of life. It is suitable for patients whose reflux complaints improve with changes in their eating habits.
It is preferred in patients whose reflux complaints are controlled with proton pump inhibitors. In patients who do not have Barrett's esophagus. Reflux treatment without surgery is safer.
It is primarily preferred in patients with high risk of surgical intervention, such as advanced age. In cases of reflux during pregnancy, lifestyle changes are applied without resorting to surgery. It is applied in cases of reflux complaints that occur due to stress, dietary changes or temporary health conditions.
These situations are examples where non-surgical approaches are preferred in the treatment of reflux. Reflux treatment is determined depending on the patient's health status and the severity of the complaint.
Who is Suitable for Non-Surgical Reflux Treatment?
Reflux treatment without surgery, It is especially suitable for people with high surgical risks. It is preferred in patients with mild or moderate reflux complaints. It is also suitable for people who can control their symptoms with methods such as lifestyle changes.
These types of treatments are also ideal for patients who are older and at risk of surgery, and who are pregnant. It is an option for those who experience symptoms regularly and do not require surgical intervention.
Things to Consider After Non-Surgical Reflux Treatment
Avoid fatty, spicy, acidic and caffeinated foods. Limit foods that can increase stomach acid. Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Overfilling the stomach can trigger reflux.
Stop eating at least 2-3 hours before going to bed. This time is important to prevent stomach acid from flowing back into your esophagus while you are lying down. Elevate your head slightly when you are lying down. This can help prevent stomach acid from flowing back into your esophagus. Being overweight can increase the risk of reflux.
Maintain your ideal weight by exercising regularly. However, avoid eating immediately after heavy exercise. Stress can increase stomach acid. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing. Reduce or quit alcohol and cigarettes.
Both can make reflux symptoms worse. Avoid tight clothing that squeezes your abdomen. This type of clothing can increase the risk of stomach acid backing up into your esophagus. Reflux treatment without surgery Afterwards, visit your doctor regularly. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult your doctor. Use the medications prescribed by your doctor regularly and do not make changes to your medications without consulting your doctor.