Endoscopic Reflux Treatment

It is a minimally invasive procedure used to prevent stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus. Interventions are performed through an endoscope to strengthen the esophageal muscles. Endoscopic reflux treatment It is a non-surgical treatment method. It relieves reflux symptoms and has a shorter recovery time. It is generally preferred in patients who do not respond to drug treatment.

How is Endoscopic Reflux Treatment Performed?

Endoscopic Reflux TreatmentReflü hastalığının kesin teşhisi için endoskopi, pH ölçümü ve diğer tanı testleri yapılır. Tedavi öncesi hastanın mide içeriği boşaltılır ve genellikle sedasyon verilir. Ağız yoluyla yemek borusuna bir endoskop (ince ve esnek bir tüp) yerleştirilir. Endoskop aracılığıyla yemek borusu ile mide arasındaki kasları güçlendirecek işlemler yapılır. Örneğin, radyofrekans enerjisi kullanılarak alt özofagus sfinkteri güçlendirilir.

The procedure focuses on tightening the lower esophageal sphincter to prevent stomach contents from refluxing into the esophagus. Treatment usually takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour. After the procedure, patients are usually discharged after a short observation period. It can take several weeks for the passage between the esophagus and stomach to heal. During the recovery process, patients need to pay attention to their diet. They are asked to continue taking medication as recommended by their doctor. Endoscopic reflux treatment, It is less invasive than surgery. It can be effective in relieving reflux symptoms.

Who is Suitable for Endoscopic Reflux Treatment?

It is suitable for people whose quality of life decreases due to the constant leakage of stomach acid into the esophagus. Patients who do not get sufficient results with drugs such as proton pump inhibitors can apply. It is suitable for patients who do not want to take the risks of surgery and are looking for a less invasive solution. It is generally considered suitable for people in this age group who have good general health.

Surgery may be more appropriate for people with a high body mass index. For this reason, endoscopic reflux treatment It is generally recommended for individuals with lower weight. It can be effective for people whose reflux symptoms persist despite lifestyle changes. It is suitable for patients who cannot undergo surgery due to anesthesia and surgical risk factors.

Does Endoscopic Reflux Treatment Provide a Permanent Solution?

Tedavi, reflü hastalığının şiddetine ve hastanın genel sağlık durumuna göre kalıcı bir çözüm sunabilir. Ancak her hasta için aynı sonuçlar alınmayabilir. Hastanın yaşam tarzı, diyet alışkanlığı, obezite gibi faktörler tedavinin uzun vadeli etkisini belirler. Bu faktörler kontrol altında tutulursa tedavinin kalıcılığı artabilir. Bazı hastalarda tedavi sonrası semptomlar tekrar edebilir.

Yaşam tarzı değişikliklerine uyulmaması veya mide asidinin aşırı üretimi gibi durumlarda reflü geri gelir. Cerrahi bir çözüm kadar etkili olmayabilir, bu yüzden tamamen kalıcı bir çözüm sunma garantisi yoktur. Tedavi kalıcılığı, düzenli takip ve yaşam tarzı değişikliklerine bağlıdır. Uygun bakım ve düzenli kontroller ile daha uzun süreli sonuçlar elde edilebilir.

Things to Consider After Endoscopic Reflux Treatment

Endoscopic Reflux TreatmentSoft and easily digestible foods should be consumed for a few days after the procedure. Spicy, acidic and oily foods should be avoided. Drinking plenty of water can speed up the healing process. Alcohol and caffeinated beverages should be avoided.

Heavy lifting and strenuous exercise should be avoided during the first week. The exercise program recommended by the doctor should be followed. Medications prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly. It is important to follow the instructions regarding the use of medications. Endoscopic reflux treatment Regular doctor check-ups should be performed after the operation. If any discomfort is felt, a doctor should be consulted.